
BexThat thing that makes
other things

About Me!!

Hi, my name is Bex :P I make/post stuff sometimes.I'm a silly gal whos been making silly things for like .. two years maybe I DONT KNOW!!!! i stream silly stuff and make silly jokes :3im gonna have 2 update this in a year...


Please do not:
- Ask me about my personal info
ie. location, identity, name etc.
- Sexualize me
just dont im 16
-Make edits/pfps of me
edits/pfps of my persona are welcome! just not me
- Speculate about my personal information
ie. location, personal accounts, appearance, etc.
-Harass, discriminate or mistreat others
I do not tolerate bigotry of any kind, If you are:
racist, anti lgbt+, xenophobic, antisemitic, misogynistic, etc.
if you: purposely/intentionally break any CCs boundaries, engage in boundary breaking communities
if you are involved in any of that do not interact with me

Disclaimer !

okay, a few disclaimers actually :3
1. I am a human being I will make mistakes, and I do ask to be held accountable for my actions, if everyone just brushes off mistakes I will never learn
2. While I do use she/ her and he / him, this does not
mean that i am a guy!!! i am so sick of being called a man or a guy LOL
3. Some of my humour revolves around bullying chat LMAOO its all light hearted humour. That said, just because the light bullying is ok doesn't ACTUAL bullying is ok. My chat is a place for anyone of any identity (unless ur a ghoul or goblin)

thank u soap 4 the carrd